EMODnet Quantized Mesh Generator for Cesium
EMODnet Quantized Mesh Generator for Cesium

Library for generating terrain tiles in Cesium's quantized-mesh format from a GDAL raster file.


This project depends on the following C++ libraries:

Also, Python is required to run the scripts provided.


This project uses the typical cmake pipeline. Thus, assuming that all the libraries listed above are installed, it should be as easy as:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Optionally, you can create the documentation using:

make doc

An already compiled version of the documentation can be found in the web of this project.


The main functionality of the project is provided by the qm_tiler app. A simple usage is:

qm_tiler -i <input_raster> -o <output_tiles_dir>

However, the method has many parameters that may be tuned, and that are explained in the tutorial. You can list them by running:

qm_tiler -h

After creating the TMS pyramid of tiles, use the script create_layer_file.py to create the layer.json file required by Cesium.

Finally, in order to easily test the project, we also provide the simple_tiles_server.py, which creates a simple web server of tiles.

Please refer to the tutorial page in the wiki of this project for further information.

Known issues

ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=20979, nSrcYSize=28800
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ctb::CTBException'


This project has been developed by Coronis Computing S.L. within the EMODnet Bathymetry project.